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Tutorials - Basic

Now this is where the fun begins. Of course, this is your game and I want you to customise it and make it how you want your game to be, but first, have you considered having a story tailored into it? I would suggest so, as that uges the player to play more and, like a book, see where the story takes them. Now, this is home to a bunch of basic level things to include in a tutorial, so if you are a beginner and just completed the tutorial, follow the next paragraph:


Create a new project, named whatever you like. I would Strongly suggest purchasing indie, as this is one of the best and easiest game engines to use of course clashing with scratch, which may be more diverse and you are probably able to do more things, but Flowlab allows you to export and make money off your games, and can have a player run, jump in the click of a button, requires minimum code, ad comes with built in physics that won't take you an hour to code. Indie offers unlimited games, game objects, and game levels. Totally worth it.


Anyway, here is the list of Basic things to add to your game, I hope this really helps you and I hope you enjoy.

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